Featuring: Enlightenment! The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a New Translation & Commentary by MSI --------- Learn more about our new desk calendars, digital and print, and ONLINE Book Reading & Discussion beginning November 3rd.
2021 Enlightenment Desk Calendar Hot off the Press!
Calendars are here! The printed books with newly designed collector series cover plus first time ever for sale.... a NEW! Spiral Textbook version are both in the printing stage.... available by Nov. 15 ------------------- Collect the entire set...
JOIN US for a weekly Book Reading & Discussion hosted by 25 year Teacher of Ascension and student of MSI - Mahadeva Ishaya. EVENT BEGAN NOVEMBER 3 but can be joined monthly at any time during session.
MSI Books a collection of books written about the Ishayas' ancient Art of Ascension
Changing our World...... affecting the lives of thousands......an Ancient but timeless Teaching is described eloquently through the writings of one man who dedicated his life to seek and find... the simple TRUTH. "This Publishing Company and it's website are dedicated to you.... with unending Love."
"Finally a collection of books that not only teach you of a greater Truth but also back it up with experiential techniques taught worldwide so that you may have your own personal direct experience.